Thursday, April 26, 2012


Haunted Hotel.

Canon 600D
ISO 400
Exp. 1/1000s

This photo gives me an uneasy feeling. The building looks menacing and the angle makes it look powerful. The derelict nature of the building adds to that haunted feeling. I think I'm becoming slightly obsessed with post production... is this a good thing or a bad thing? It definitely increases the impact of my photos... but when is a photo perfect in itself? Perhaps I need to pick up that film camera again, go back to my roots!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wild Party

Wild House Party in Melbourne.

Canon 600D

ISO 400
Flash Fired

This was a photo from a crazy underground party in Melbourne, it was wild! Now my problem with this photo was do I like the one I did post production on (the one I've posted) or the original? I cant decide! I went for a grungy vibe with the post production and I feel it gives a better impression of what the party was like. The unedited version seems a bit too soft. Stronger contrast and harsher shadows makes this photo more underground/grunge/rock&roll. Very cool set up for the party, that's all cardboard on the walls with black market drawings on it. That skull is amazing!

Monday, April 23, 2012

BMX Silhouette

BMX No-Hander Silhouette.

Canon 600D

ISO 800
10 - 20mm lens

While i was taking photos at the skate park I got a photo wrongly exposed that gave an almost silhouette effect. After that I decided I wanted to replicate that properly. This is one of the planned silhouettes and the better one I think. Its the clouds and little bit of sunset that got me. And considering the slower frame rate on the 600D the timing was great any earlier or later the back wheel may have been touching the trees and this shot would not have been the same!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Moving Lights

Moving Night Lights.

Canon 600D

ISO 100
f/ 4.0
@ 3.2seconds
10-20mm lens

The standard cars moving at night shot really, everyone has to have a photo like this haha. Well, I took this photo impulsively, I was driving, just pulled into a side street and took a few shots! Good result I think, there are a few things I'd like to have improved (as usual). Interestingly I didn't have a tripod to take this shot... amazing I know! Guess how I got such a steady shot without a tripod? I think it's pretty obvious from where I'm standing...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Door Behind Posters.

Canon 600D

ISO 400
10-20mm Lens

On Brunswick St. Melbourne, this corner just caught my eye. This street has posters everywhere! But this was an extreme. It is that almost black and white aspect of the shot that I really like. The symmetry of the corner, the lighting across the middle of the middle, and the white dust on the floor all make this one for me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Skater Benji on the Coping.

Canon 600D

ISO 200
10-20mm Lens

One of my favourite shots from my day at the skate park. The skater is centered well, his face is lit, arms in nice position and spot on in focus. Very happy with this one.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cat Walk

L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival 2012.

Canon 600D

Trying to shoot the models from the second row, seemed like a simple task, just get between two heads and voila! But that wasn't the case... This was extremely hard to shoot and you might be able to see that this image isn't extremely sharp, but for my first time I feel I did pretty well.

So during the show I tried all sorts of tricks to try and get great shots. It was harder than it seemed, models moving fast, light conditions changing constantly, and moving heads in front of me. This particular shot was taken in Live View mode. Everything was automatic except one thing; the focus. Automatic focus wouldnt work because it would focus on the heads in front of me or behind me. Perhaps I should have set the focus point to the center and used AL SERVO focusing to keep models in focus. I'll keep that in mind for next time. Also metering, might have been the same but get the right meter and maintain those setting for the shoot and try shoot models in the same position.

It was challenging, but fun, and next time I'll try get front row seats, that should hopefully make my job easier.

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